Written and Directed by: Noa Gusakov
Fic., 17:56 min., 2014, HD, Color
Production: The Sam Spiegel Film & TV School - Jerusalem (JSFS)
Language: Hebrew with English subtitles
Timmy is a look-out in the military. As a diversion from her tiring frame work, she creates an imaginative, childish world, which sets her apart in a mundane routine. When she has to deal with the real military world for the first time, her own world is shattered and undermined.
- Tel-Aviv International Student film festival, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2014; Jerusalem International Film Festival, Jerusalem, Israel, 2014; VGIK International Student Festival, Moscow, Russia, 2014; Flying Broom International Women’s Film Festival, Ankara, Turkey, 2015; The Sehsüchte International Student Film Festival, Potsdam-Babelsberg, Germany, 2015; The Tel-Aviv Student International Film Festival "Film Bus Project", 2015; International Student Film Festival, Belgrade, Serbia, 2015;
Toronto Jewish Film Festival, Canada, 2015; Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia, Tokyo, Japan 2015; Eastern Breeze International Film Festival, Toronto, Canada, 2015; Tbilisi International Student Film Festival "AMIRANI", Georgia, 2015; ShorTS – International Film Festival, Trieste, Italy, 2015: ONE Country ONE Film International Festival, Apchat, France, 2015; Montefeltro Film School Festival Competition, Milan, Italy, 2015; DC Shorts Film Festival and Screenplay Competition, Washington DC, USA; 2015; Sapporo Short Fest, Japan, 2015; The Heartland Film Festival, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 2015; Interfilm- 30th International Short Film Festival, Berlin, Germany 2015; Early Bird Student Film Festival, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2015; AWRT Asian Women's Film Festival, New Delhi, India, 2016; EPOS The International Art Film Festival, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2016; IFEMA International Female Film Festival Malmö, Sweden, 2016; International ContraVision Film Festival, Berlin ,Germany; 2016; Robinson International Short Film Comptition, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2016; Hollyshorts Film Festival, California, USA, 2016; Les Femmes Underground International Film Festival, Los Angeles, USA, 2016; Uni Shorts Film Festival, Auckland, Australia, 2016: BRNO 16 Film Festival, Brno, Czech Republic, 2016; Bengal International Short Film Festival, Kolkata, Bengal, 2016; Denver Jewish Film Festival, Colarado, USA
- Promising Director Award: Tel-Aviv International Student film festival, Tel-Aviv, Israel
- Best Student film by Student Jury Award: VGIK International Student Festival, Moscow, Russia
- Best Scriptwriting Award: Tbilisi International Student Film Festival "AMIRANI", Georgia
- Honorable Mention Award: Eastern Breeze International Film Festival, Toronto, Canada
- 3rd Prize Online Award: Interfilm International Short Film Festival, Berlin, Germany.
- First Place Award: EPOS The International Art Film Festival, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2016
- Silver Prize: Robinson International Short Film Competition, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- Best Drama: Hollyshorts Film Festival, California, USA
- Special Mention: BRNO 16 Film Festival, Brno, Czech Republic