Nadav Eyal, an acclaimed Israeli journalist, presents this mesmerizing documentary film concerning the resurfacing of an ancient hatred. In it he tries to understand how the virus of Antisemitism survives and continues to infect.


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A Film by: Nadav Eyal
(Israel, 2014, 51 Minutes, Color, Hebrew, English, German, English subtitles)

In an EU poll from 2013, one in 5 Jews reported being a victim of Anti-Semitism in the last 12 months. More than half of those polled said they personally witnessed Holocaust denial and 76% simply did not report hate crimes committed against them. 70 years after the mass murder of 6 million Jews, Jewish leaders in Europe are once again facing growing insecurity and thoughts of immediate immigration.

Nadav Eyal, an acclaimed Israeli journalist, presents this mesmerizing documentary film concerning the resurfacing of an ancient hatred. In it he tries to understand how the virus of Antisemitism survives and continues to infect.

By moving from victims o Antisemitism to experts and finally to the bigots themselves, the film generates a credible and frightening document. It explains some areas of Antisemitism's resilience, and supplies a variety of dramatic encounters and confrontations with the perpetrators of racism.

• Zagreb JFF 2015
• Bei Brith Award 2015
• Oregon Portland Museum 2015
• York JFF 2015
• Hong Kong JFF 2016
• Athens JFF 2016
• Young Israel of Lawrence Cedarhurst 2016