Two-part documentary film that tells the life story of the former Israeli Prime Minister and Nobel Laureates, Yitzhak Rabin.


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Yitzhak Rabin: A Biography

A Film by: Ben Shani
(Israel, 2004, 100 Minutes, Color, Hebrew/English, English subtitles)

On November 4, 1995, Yitzhak Rabin the Prime Minister of Israel, was assassinated by a Jewish assailant. The man who had led Israel in the greatest battlefield triumph in the history of Israel; the 1967 Six Day War, paid the ultimate price, as a casualty in the battle for peace.

 A one-of-a-kind television documentary was produced, which tells the  story of Yitzhak Rabin. Through painstaking research of  film archives in Israel and abroad, comes the story of one man’s  endeavor for conciliation and peace. This is the story of the decades-long struggle between Jews and Arabs, which also reflects the story of the State of Israel in the 20th century.