Brother and sister, Muhand and Rasha, move to a new village and are subjected to ridicule and scorn as the local children know that their mother was murdered by their father in an "honor killing".
Written and Directed by: Shadi Habib Allah
Fic. 11:30 min., 2017, Full HD, Color
Production: The Sam Spiegel Film & TV School - Jerusalem (JSFS)
Language: Hebrew and English with English subtitles
Brother and sister, Muhand and Rasha, move to a new village and are subjected to ridicule and scorn as the local children know that their mother was murdered by their father in an "honor killing".
The camera can capture time, retain memory and evoke a moment. All that Muhand and Rasha have of their mother is the fleeting intensity of their recollections. Moving to a new village, they become the subject of ridicule and scorn as the local children know that their mother was murdered by their father in an "honor killing".
The International Tel Aviv Student Film Festival, 2018